
MaaS实务守则- CTA的回应

大卫·凯利, Director for Scotland at the 社区 Transport Authority (CTA) has submitted a response to the MaaS Code of Practice Consultation.

科技正在改变交通. From Google Maps and contactless payments to mobile ticketing and ride hailing apps, the way many of us move around has been transformed by new digital and personalised products and services over the last decade.

Demand responsive transport services tailored to individual needs are no longer the sole preserve of the 社区 Transport sector, but are now advanced and mainstreamed by public and commercial operators utilising these new technologies. These changes are creating exciting new opportunities for something called ‘Mobility as a Service’, 也被称为MaaS, which is likely to impact the future of the 社区 Transport sector.

MaaS is defined by the Department for Transport (DfT) as ‘the integration of various modes of transport along with information and payment functions into a single mobility service’. Its purpose is to deliver seamless online journey planning and integrated digital ticketing across different modes and operators – from bus and rail to active travel projects and community car clubs – with ease and convenience.

Perhaps the most successful example of MaaS in action is Rejseplanen 在丹麦. Rejseplanen is an online platform which allows nearly 6 million Danes to plan everyday journeys and buy digital tickets for buses, 渡轮, 地铁, 火车, 城市自行车, 国内航班和拼车. Its app and webpage are more frequently used than Google Maps 在丹麦.

T在这里 are also some great examples of innovation with MaaS in the UK, such as the 去NHS泰赛德 由博天堂入口政府资助的试点项目. 去NHS泰赛德 has been rolled out across central Scotland for all NHS patients, 访客和工作人员访问NHS网站. It assists with journey planning and allow users to book tickets with operators, 包括社区交通计划. 两名CTA成员 上码头运输 在阿伯菲尔德和 老人的声音 in Blairgowrie – are already integrated and delivering trips.

MaaS clearly has the potential to create a more accessible, 包容性和可持续的交通系统. It could better integrate 社区 Transport with public transport networks, as well as empower people to make more sustainable journeys by engaging with community-led schemes. It could be a way for the 社区 Transport sector to increase its profile with a new audience, secure new passengers and users and modernise its offer.

The DfT has decided (for now) against creating a new regulatory framework for this fast-growing, 新兴行业. It has instead committed to develop a ‘voluntary approach through a code of practice’ which, 它认为, ‘will enable us to support MaaS as it grows without introducing regulations at a time that could stifle innovation’. However, it has not ruled out regulation in the future if necessary.

We’ve responded to the DfT’s consultation on a code of practice for MaaS on behalf of the 社区 Transport sector across the UK. We need to make sure that the code of practice is relevant for 社区 Transport operators and users and addresses some of concerns around accessibility and inclusion. We believe that the 社区 Transport sector is an essential partner to deliver ‘MaaS for All’.

我们的提交-你可以下载 在这里 -提出了几个关键点:

  • Code of Practice should ensure 社区 Transport is integrated into MaaS platforms as far as possible to:
    • 扩大地理覆盖范围, 包括农村地区, 远程, island and isolated communities without public transport provision
    • 确保可访问性, especially for older and disabled people who may struggle to access public or private transport
    • Tackling transport poverty to help everyone to access amenities, education, employment, health & 社会关怀及其他公共服务
    • Increase consumer choice between operators and modes in journey planning
    • Encourage climate action by facilitating modal shift and behaviour change
  • Some challenges to fully integrating 社区 Transport into MaaS due to regulatory environment, lack of technological capacity and long-term under-investment – but can be overcome with:
    • Initial focus on journey planning integration for 社区 Transport schemes, 这是NHS Tayside MaaS试点所实现的
    • Aligning MaaS projects with capacity building programmes for sector
  • Code of Practice should reflect affordability for users and passengers as key priority
  • DfT should invest in MaaS innovation projects across the UK, learning from the success of the pilots funded by the 博天堂入口政府200万英镑的MaaS投资基金 测试概念并减少碳排放

要了解更多,请阅读我们的完整回复 在这里 或者给我发邮件 大卫.kelly@ctauk.org.
